Sunday, December 2, 2012

ONWARD: December's Simple Woman's Daybook

The Simple Woman's Daybook is a project started by Peggy Hostetler. Get hooked up to participate at
Outside my window...It is chilly and dark.  The quiet is broken by a steady stream of traffic going back and forth between two small towns.
For today...I am resting as well as getting the paperwork and clothes ready for about three errands or appointments that need completion by tomorrow.
I am thinking...of many friends and relatives and the individual struggles and choices they are going through now.
I am a co-worker named Lori who thought of me by giving me some bags full of clothes she was no longer wearing.  Sometimes just even a few items can make such a positive change in your wardrobe and outlook.
In the is still simple items such as bananas, eggs,and sandwiches.
I am wearing casual clothes...however if I was wearing pajama's i wouldn't say it. Pajamas and robes make me think of unwashed, musty bodies...not being ready for the day...sorry...
I am creating...a plan for conscious choices I want to make.
I am have to push myself a lot harder then my current speed to achieve the goals I have been thinking of. Say the word PROCRASTINATION anyone?!
I am wondering...about future blog posts. I consider this as an encouragement blog for myself and others and not therefore just being all about myself. 
I am reading...lot and lots of blogs. I am learning so much about blogging! For example, I have come across National Novel Writing Month (which is abbreviated something like Na No Wri Mo).  This is a project where in the month of November, people can sign up for the challenge of writing a novel in only 30 days.  I would like to participate next year! Na No Wri Mo sounds like a definite plan to help people get those novels and stories written without the luxury of procrastinating!
I am hoping...that the people and leaders of the United States of America will be able to work together to find and implement the needed solutions to a better economy. I believe that it is possible. 
I am looking forward to...all the new things I will learn each day as I study and research on my own as well as learning a lot from other people I meet in the course of daily life.
I am learning...that people should not be arrogant or think themselves better then others but should realize instead that some circumstances are a matter of just being plain fortunate.
Around the house...things are fairly plain and simple.  Nothing too fancy...but then I don't have any furniture payments either! I believe furniture exists for the comfort of people and not to show off. 
I am pondering this picture from National that shows hand prints of cavemen on a cave wall. Let's call it the original social media "wall". Humans love to express themselves and to communicate and that is why Humans adore the Internet.  And even after all these centuries our basic lives are not much different then the prehistoric cavemen who sought the most important things of food, shelter, and love.
A favorite quote for today...are words from a song..."and Grace will lead us home..."
One of my favorite things...are older people like my 89 year old grandmother who has worked so hard her whole life. She doesn't know how to use the Internet but she does know how to cook a feast, how to cater a party, how to decorate a home, how to sew, how to have a garden, how to can vegetables and make jam.  She is still using many of these artistic capabilities at the age of 89 and recently decorated a 3 tiered cake for my parents 50th anniversary celebration.  I wish I could say that I could do as much as her!
A few plans for the rest of the week...involve getting a very short list of Christmas Cards and thank you notes out.
 A peek into my day...this small picture of the angel figurines on a corner hutch.
Merry Christmas to all as well as Happy Holidays.
Sources:,, and the quote is from the hymn "Amazing Grace" which is not written by me! Picture of figurines is mine.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Encourage yourself with images...


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

ONWARD: Simple Woman

The Simple Woman''s Daybook is a project started by Peggy Hostetler.  Get hooked up at

For today:

I will go to work, then spend my free time with a movie, checking blogs, light household chores, and reading.

I am thinking...about moving to another town.

I am thankful...for work!

In the Kitchen...I am trying to go back to learning to enjoy simple foods such as eggs, grilled cheese, oatmeal and sandwiches.

I am casual work wear which is a t-shirt and jeans.

I am blog.

I am the election for President is going to turn out!

I am my parents house in the next county for Thanksgiving.

I am wondering...what I need to buy to wear to my parent's 50th wedding anniversary. I already got a haircut.

I am reading...A SEPARATE COUNTRY By Robert Hicks. It's a novel about New Orleans shortly after the Civil War. It is actually a great, engrossing read. And I got it for one dollar at the Dollar Tree !

I am hoping...that we actually get some snow this year.

I am looking forward to...Thanksgiving and  probable vacation days between Christmas and New Year's.

I am to use the Sony digital camera my parents gave me for my birthday.

Around the house...I am trying to get things nice and extra neat and clean for Thanksgiving.

I am pondering...about a variety of things, such as what to buy for Christmas presents, and the need for a few more lamps and a new vacuum cleaner.

A favorite quote for today...

"We will see you tomorrow if the Lord is willing and the creeks don't rise..."

A few plans for the rest of the week...

Just the and shopping, getting supplies in.

One of my favorite things...

iced tea! (either sweet or unsweet)

A peek into my big child stopped by work and brought me flowers while in town for a few hours the other day...the flowers bloomed out nicely...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

ONWARD: Kentucky-isms

By Jennifer Anderson

If you have ever fixed your hair into some form of ponytail everyday for a month,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If it is late October but you still hear the constant sounds of people mowing their yard,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If it is too warm to wear the new coat you got for Christmas no more then a few times before Spring,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you often find yourself driving around in the country lost and looking for somewhere you are supposed to be,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If in the summer people give you free tomatoes, corn, zucchini, or beans,
     you might be in Kentucky.

If you are not even sure what pesto sauce is,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you have a college degree but still have to work in a factory,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you dog is free to roam wherever it wants to go,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If your dog mostly stays outdoors and not inside, "because it is a dog",
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If the dog poops outside all it wants and no one ever even thinks about possibly scooping or picking it up,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you grew up shooting hoops,
     then you might be from Kentucky.

If you see an alarming number of people wearing some form of camouflage
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you are poor and spend most of your free time going to church activities and to ballgames,
     then you might be in Kentucky.

If you are rich but STILL spend most of your free time going to church activities and attending ballgames,
     then you might be in Kentucky.


Picture Credit :  Leah Anderson
Pictures taken at Murray State University

Friday, October 5, 2012

ONWARD: Posters per Pinterest

These are some great, creative posters from Pinterest. Get your Pinterest on Today!! *

Monday, September 24, 2012

ONWARD: Chinese Probverbs (Part Two)

Grace Lin is a children's author and illustrator who also makes posts about various aspects of Chinese ethnicity on her blog Every Friday she posts a Chinese Proverb on her blog and reading them prompted me to look up more Chinese proverbs. The following Chinese proverbs were some of my favorites from the website
"Count not what is lost, but what is left."
"Do not climb a tree to look for a fish."
"We are not so much concerned if you are slow as when you come to a halt."
"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
"Even the tallest tower started from the ground."
"Take a second look,it costs you nothing."
Chinese proverbs!  You like?
Sources:  GraceLinBlog.b;
Sources also:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

ONWARD: Chinese Proverbs

  I was inspired by children's author and illustrator Grace Lin, of the gracelinblog, to look up Chinese Proverbs.  Ms. Lin posts a Chinese proverb on her blog every Friday.
"By nature all men are alike, but by education very different."
"Don't open a shop unless you like to smile."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be only afraid of standing still."
"A book holds a house of gold."
"Deep doubts, deep wisdom; small doubts, little wisdom."
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer.  It sings because it has a song."
Chinese Proverbs!
book jacket cover credit:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

ONWARD: Encouragement By The Book (Part Two)

The Bible is one of the most frequently quoted books in the world.

"And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the lilies of the field grow..." __Matthew 6:28 NIV

"For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again..." __Proverbs 24:16 NIV

"Those that look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."__Psalm 34:5 NIV

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true. whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."__Philippians 4:8 NIV

*NIV stands for New International Version
Picture credit Leah Anderson ,Louisville Thunder 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

ONWARD: You Might Be a Blogger If...

You might be a blogger if: have ever made an online post about the weather. frequently ask new acquaintances for their email address. get a small surge of joy when you finally figure out the letters and numbers for the captcha when leaving a comment on a blog.

...if you put the feelings of your heart out there for all to see.

*these are not my pictures

Monday, August 20, 2012

ONWARD: Quotes from Mother Teresa

"If you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one."

"If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are."

"One truly must have suffered oneself to help others."

"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.  Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal."

"We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean.  But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something."

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."

"There are many people who can do big things, but there are very few people who will do the small things."
book cover  is from BEST GIFT IS LOVE:  MEDITATIONS by Mother Teresa
picture credit is not mine

ONWARD: Encouragement By The Book

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."__Romans 8:28 NIV

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."__Colossians 3:23

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."__Matthew 19:26 NIV

*this is not my picture

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Practical Acts of Encouragement and Kindness

In the current economy Random Acts of Encouragement and Kindness need to also be practical and also utilize the resources we have at hand.
1.  Save empty boxes at home to give to a person who is moving.

2.  Gather old magazines from work and home to take to an elderly person or shut in.

3.  Gather all the Christmas gifts you have never used and drop them off with a large, young family in need.

4.  Go to to send an email to help a political prisoner be released.

5.  Take supplies to work that will benefit others as well as yourself.  Plastic forks, spoons, snacks, hand sanitizers, etc.  It's little bitty things that can help the day go better and so will improve the morale of the entire workplace.

6.  Sell clothing or other items that are not being used through a consignment shop.  Donate all proceeds to a charity or youth organization.

Make a list of your own ideas, or leave a comment!

Photo credit is not mine.

Monday, July 2, 2012

ONWARD: Six Random Acts of Kindness or Encouragementt

Random Acts of Kindness and Encourgement are things we all can do as we go about our daily lives. Surprise someone today!

1.  Buy someone flowers while they are still alive.  An inexpensive arrangement from the local market is fine (great even)!

2.  Visit people before they die.  So many times people wait until a funeral happens instead of visiting someone while their heart is still beating.

3.  Make thank you posts on facebook or online to people who have helped you out, or do it by writing a letter to a printed newspaper.

4.  Don't forget the age old custom of taking a hostess gift to a dinner or family evening. If candy or traditional hostess gifts are really not needed then practical items like paper towels or tinfoil may be appreciated.

5.  Is there someone who is always doing nice things for you but you have never really done something nice for them?  Then now it is your turn to think of them.  Even something simple as buying them an ice cream cone would be a great gesture.

6.  Leave a big tip even when the wait person has done a horrible job!  We never know what goes on behind the scene that may hinder their performance.  If they truely did a bad job all on their own they will be wondering why you gave them grace!

There is no certain path you have to follow when practicing Random Acts of Kindness and Encouragement.  It can be played by ear.  What are your thoughts?

Saturday, June 30, 2012

ONWARD: Ten Questions To Ask Ourselves For Self Evaluation

Before we can make changes we have to come up with the questions about our personal life that we want the answers to.  Listed below are ten questions that may help us get started in serious self evaluation for positive changes to move onward with.

1.  Do you make up positive stuff to post on facebook, etc.?

2.  Where would I like to be and what would I like to be doing six months from now?

3.  What do I need to do differently in order to change my life for the better?

4.  What are some small, easy improvements that I am able to make in my life right away?

5.  What are some large improvements and changes that I can make in my life over time or that I could work toward doing?

6.  What do I enjoy?

7.  What are five things that I am grateful to have in my life?

8.  What five words best describe me?

9.  What two extra words would I LIKE TO BE ABLE to truthfully add to describe me?

10.  Are there any good causes that I should support or do more for?

Let me know if you have any thoughts on this subject...

Monday, June 25, 2012

ONWARD: Random Acts of Kindness or Encouragement


It doesn't have to take a lot of money or time to complete random acts of kindness and encouragement,  Check out the suggestions below to get your random acts of kindness on!

1.  Page through blogs at random and leave nice comments about pictures and stories that you enjoy.

2.  Pick up a job or job applications for people you know are looking for work.  It's a real esteem booster that someone cares!

3.  Give someone a photo of their parents from the parents younger years. Put it in a frame for them and/or have it enlarged.

4.  Write old-fashioned "snail mail" letters to older relatives that don't use the Internet.  Also print emails and pictures of family to give to them.

5.  Return a stray shopping cart from a store parking lot to a store you are walking into.

6.  Offer to pray for someone in need and then actually do it!

7.  Tell someone a good compliment you heard about them.

8.  Clip humorous cartoons to post on break room bulletin boards, etc.

9.  Buy bubbles, coloring books, crayons, and sidewalk chalk for the neighbors kids or children at church.

10.  Tell someone they can do it (a job, a test, parenting, etc.)!

Friday, June 8, 2012

ONWARD: Encourgement Bible Verses

Listed below are some of my favorite Bible Verses.  Call it Encouragement By the Book!

"David encouraged himself in the Lord his God."__1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today", so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness."__Hebrews 3:13 (NIV)

"Therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward."__Hebrews 10:35 (EST)

and similarly....

"Watch out that you do not lose what you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully."__2 John 1:8 (NIV)

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."__Psalm 56:3

"For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime!  Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning."__Psalm 30:5 (NLT)