I am thinking...of twenty years ago today when my nephew Chris was born. I had checked into the hospital myself having an extreme case of bronchitis as well as being almost 8 months pregnant and when I got there Chris had already been born. The nurses told me how well my sister had done in delivery and told me my sister wanted me to see her baby. So I walked a few doors down and peeked in their hospital room to see him, as I was sick and not sure if I should get very close to them. Now twenty years later my nephew just graduated from basic training for the Army Reserves this week. He is also a college student and writes all kinds of prose and poetry as well as aspiring to be a "preacher".
I am thankful...for the opportunities our youth of today have to pursue their educations. As I have been told, education is something a person can have that can never be taken away from them by anybody.
In the kitchen...I have an odd assortment of processed foods and canned goods as I have not been able to resist using some of the great coupons being put out there by companies. However, I am learning that pop tarts coming in means pop tarts are going out just as quickly!
I am wearing...a new, blue, button up shirt made out of t-shirt material with a pair of black pants.
I am creating...birthday present plans for relatives that involve health and beauty aides as well as using up these awesome coupons I have been finding.
I am going ...to work tomorrow for a little while.
I am wondering...what is coming up soon in the field of technology. Technology is changing so fast. I am still amazed at the GPS Systems. How in the world can a little box know exactly what spot we are on in this whole big earth?
I am reading...very little here lately. I have developed a bad case of Netflix jones. Netflix is another technology form that is amazing to me. Indeed the Internet and all it's many activities available to participate in means THE POWER TO NEVER BE BORED.
I am hoping...the youth of today can overcome missing out on never having to be bored. No time spent just sitting and staring out at the clouds for them! At least they hope not...
I am looking forward to ...a time when I know more about my digital camera and when I will know more about downloading pictures for blogging purposes.
I am learning...more about being humble and the "human condition" every day. I have a lot of quotes and bible verses on this blog but it is not because I am trying to be better then everyone else. The quotes are simply to encourage myself as well as others.
Around the house...I have Glade scented candles burning. The relatives don't deserve to have all of the treats I've been buying with my coupons do they?
I am pondering...the new chapters in my life that appear to be starting in my life this year. It could be the new chapters started awhile back and I have just been putting off realizing the actuality of it.
A favorite quote for today comes from a motto of a high school in Clarksville, Tennessee:
One of my favorite things...are people like Kentucky author, Vanessa Harris. In spite of living in a small town and having another job she has pressed on with her goals and has had her third book published. I am glad to see someone following their dreams! Her books are available at amazon.com
A few plans for the rest of the week...include visiting my grandmother and parents.
A peek into my day...is this book cover from Vanessa Harris's book "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH".
Warning: Sexual Content, Sin and Redemption Christian content also.
book jacket photo: isurfhopkins.com
To partipate in THE SIMPLE WOMAN'S DAY BOOK hook up with Peggy Hostetler at simplewomansdaybook.blogspot.com