Floki is a character in the History Channel television show VIKINGS. His talents lie in designing and building the fast long boats the Vikings need to explore and conquer the world with. He is tall, lanky, and pale and wears heaps of black eyeliner. He has a wife named Helga that adores him and is good to him.
In spite of her love for him Floki pushes his wife Helga away from him by not coming home. Helga is desperate for answers and goes to town to beseech Floki to return home with her. Floki tells Helga he doesn't want to be around her because she makes him happy. Floki then tells Helga he does not want to be happy so he can't be around her.
If someone happens to break up with you by using the "it's not you, it's me" theme you should believe them. It is not that you were lacking in any way, it may just be that person, like Floki, just doesn't want to be happy.