THE HUM OF ANGELS by Scot McKnight is a new book soon to be published. It deals with the biblical definition of angels and not what the popular media and movies make angels out to be. A little bit of artistic license is used for the title but other then that it is right on target with biblical scripture concerning the subject of angels.
What Angels are not:
Angels are not humans who are deceased.
What Angels Are:
Angels are a complete and separate entity of their own created by God.
So okay I just had to get that one out there as that is something that irks me when people assume otherwise. McKnight provides plenty of scripture to back this up. He also provides a few stories people have told him about how they were helped or rescued by angels. I don't want to give away the whole contents of the book and I also don't want to discourage anyone from reading it. It could be very important information for someone.
Do you believe in angels? Chances are you do believe in angels and if you don't believe in them you may wish to believe in them. If more people shared experiences they had with angels with each other it could change the world for the better.
I chose this book for review as I am interested in this subject. One of my favorite books is a book Billy Graham wrote on angels back in the 1970's. I first found Graham's book at a thrift store and then was delighted to find out a few years later that a great grandmother had had a copy of her own. McKnight cites Billy Graham's book on angels as one of his sources so that is good. Graham's book on angels has a focus on end times while McKnight's book on angels speaks more to human redemption.
Scott McKnight is a well known author who has published many books on similar religious subjects. I received this book as an uncorrected proof from Blogging for Books via the publisher in exchange for a honest review. I plan to share my copy with others.
*book cover image credited to the publisher.
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